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Sabah needs presence in major markets | Daily Express Malaysia

Sabah, strategically located in Southeast Asia, possesses immense untapped potential in investment, trade, and tourism. Despite its unique offerings, the promotion of these opportunities has largely been managed by national agencies such as the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida), the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade), and Tourism Malaysia. 

While these agencies play a crucial role in marketing Malaysia as a whole, their broad national focus often means that Sabah’s specific strengths and opportunities do not receive the dedicated attention they deserve. 

Establishing dedicated investment, trade, and tourism offices not only in key cities of Sabah’s major international trading partners—such as China, Japan, and South Korea—but also in key cities within Malaysia, such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang, would enable Sabah to more effectively target both international and domestic markets. 

This initiative would attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), expand trade opportunities, and enhance its tourism appeal through a more focused and strategic approach, ultimately granting these offices the authority to make decisions in the best interests of Sabah, notwithstanding the powers vested in Matrade, Mida, or Tourism Malaysia.


Limitations of the National Framework – Mida, Matrade, and Tourism Malaysia

Mida is tasked with attracting FDI to Malaysia across various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and primary industries. 

Its broad mandate means that specific investment opportunities unique to Sabah—such as eco-tourism, renewable energy, oil and gas, and sustainable agriculture—may not receive the prominence they deserve when marketing efforts are spread across all Malaysian states.  

Consequently, Sabah’s distinct investment potential is often overshadowed by a more general promotion of Malaysia, leaving its unique advantages underrepresented.

Matrade, responsible for promoting Malaysian exports, focuses on enhancing the country’s global trade presence by connecting Malaysian businesses with international markets. 

While Matrade plays a vital role in facilitating trade connections, its national focus can dilute efforts to promote Sabah’s specific trade strengths, such as its rich agricultural produce, seafood, and unique handicrafts. This can lead to missed opportunities for Sabah to establish stronger, direct trade relationships with key international markets.

Tourism Malaysia, meanwhile, is the federal agency responsible for promoting Malaysia as a leading tourist destination.

Although its campaigns are comprehensive and showcase attractions from across all Malaysian states, this inclusive approach often results in a lack of focused promotion for Sabah’s unique attractions, such as its exceptional biodiversity, distinctive indigenous cultures, and natural wonders.

The agency’s need to balance promotion across all states can dilute the impact of its marketing efforts for Sabah specifically.

The Case for a Focused Approach to Investment, Trade, and Tourism

Sabah’s economic landscape presents unique opportunities not commonly found in other parts of Malaysia. Its strategic location near key Aseanmarkets, coupled with its rich natural resources and emerging sectors, makes Sabah an attractive destination for investment.  

However, under the current national framework, these opportunities are often not fully realised because promotional efforts are distributed too broadly, without specific focus on Sabah’s strengths.

By establishing dedicated investment offices in key cities of major trading partners abroad, such as Shanghai, Seoul, or Tokyo, Sabah can directly promote its unique investment opportunities in sectors where it has a competitive edge, such as renewable energy projects, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism.

Tailoring marketing and engagement strategies to the specific interests of potential investors in these regions would significantly enhance Sabah’s ability to attract targeted and meaningful investments.

Enhancing Domestic Engagement in Malaysia

In addition to international markets, establishing dedicated offices in key Malaysian cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Johor Bahru would further bolster Sabah’s investment, trade, and tourism prospects. These offices would serve to promote Sabah-specific opportunities to domestic investors, traders, and tourists, who might otherwise overlook Sabah in favour of more frequently promoted states within Malaysia.

By having a presence in these major Malaysian cities, Sabah can better engage with local investors and businesses, providing them with detailed information about investment incentives, partnership opportunities, and unique trade advantages that Sabah offers. 

This would facilitate local investment and trade connections, leveraging the domestic market’s potential to contribute to Sabah’s economic growth.

Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Trade


Establishing offices in strategic locations—both internationally and within Malaysia—would serve as crucial hubs for facilitating FDI and trade into Sabah.

These offices would enable direct engagement with potential investors and trade partners, presenting tailored investment and trade opportunities and maintaining consistent communication throughout the negotiation process.

Having a physical presence in both international and domestic markets offers several key advantages. It allows Sabah to better understand both local and foreign business environments and cultural practices, which is essential for building trust and fostering long-term relationships. 

This is particularly important in markets such as China, Japan, South Korea, and major Malaysian cities, where business dealings are heavily influenced by personal relationships and cultural understanding.

Additionally, having offices on the ground provides real-time insights into market trends, regulatory changes, and emerging opportunities, enabling Sabah to adapt its strategies swiftly and effectively.

Expanding Trade Opportunities

Beyond investment, dedicated offices can play a vital role in enhancing Sabah’s trade connections. By having a direct presence in key international and domestic markets, Sabah can promote its trade strengths more effectively. Offices could focus on showcasing Sabah’s high-quality agricultural products, seafood, and unique handicrafts, positioning these offerings to appeal directly to consumer preferences in major markets like China, Japan, South Korea, as well as Malaysian urban centres.

These offices would also facilitate trade partnerships by providing localised market intelligence and fostering connections with potential buyers, distributors, and trade partners.

By understanding market demands and trends, Sabah can better position its exports to meet the needs of both international and domestic markets, thereby expanding its trade footprint and enhancing its overall trade presence.

Boosting Tourism Appeal

While investment and trade are crucial for Sabah’s economic growth, tourism remains a significant sector with substantial potential for expansion. Dedicated tourism offices in key cities abroad and within Malaysia would allow Sabah to craft targeted marketing campaigns that focus specifically on its unique attractions—such as its stunning natural landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage.

A local presence in both international and domestic markets would enable Sabah to participate actively in tourism fairs, build partnerships with local tour operators, and directly engage with potential tourists.  

This targeted approach would enhance Sabah’s visibility as a premier tourist destination and attract a broader range of visitors, boosting tourism revenues and supporting sustainable economic growth.

Creating a Distinctive Identity for Sabah

A dedicated presence in key international and domestic markets would allow Sabah to develop a targeted strategy that aligns with its regional priorities and development goals.

This focused approach ensures that Sabah’s unique offerings in investment, trade, and tourism are consistently highlighted, rather than being overshadowed by broader national campaigns.

Moreover, establishing dedicated offices enables Sabah to control its own narrative and branding, clearly communicating its strengths and opportunities directly to potential investors, trade partners, and tourists.

By positioning itself as a distinct and attractive destination for both investment and tourism, as well as a reliable trading partner, Sabah can differentiate itself from other Malaysian states and better leverage its unique assets. This strategic positioning would provide Sabah with a competitive edge over other regions that rely solely on national agencies for promotion.

Centralising Resources and Building Stronger Networks


Dedicated investment, trade, and tourism offices can serve as centralised hubs for all information related to Sabah, offering detailed insights into investment opportunities, trade possibilities, tourism packages, regulatory frameworks, and economic incentives.

In both international and domestic markets, where personal interaction and local expertise are highly valued, a physical presence enhances communication and engagement, helping to build enduring relationships with key stakeholders.

Furthermore, these offices would facilitate networking with local business communities, chambers of commerce, industry associations, and government bodies, creating opportunities for strategic partnerships and collaborations.

This proactive engagement would not only enhance Sabah’s visibility in these markets but also foster deeper, more meaningful connections with potential investors, trade partners, and collaborators.

Overcoming National Limitations and Leveraging Global and Domestic Opportunities

Relying solely on national agencies like Mida, Matrade, and Tourism Malaysia presents challenges due to their broader mandate to promote Malaysia as a whole. While these agencies aim to attract tourists, investors, and trade partners, the specific needs and opportunities of Sabah may not align perfectly with their general campaigns. 

For instance, Sabah’s focus on niche investments, specialised exports, and unique tourism attractions might not be prioritised over more mainstream initiatives from other regions.

Dedicated offices would allow Sabah to overcome these limitations by implementing a strategy tailored to its unique context.

This approach would ensure that Sabah’s offerings are promoted effectively, without being overshadowed by broader, sometimes competing, national interests. It would also provide the flexibility to adapt promotional strategies to changing market dynamics and emerging global and domestic trends.

Empowering Sabah’s Decision-Making Authority

Ultimately, it is hoped that these Investment, Trade, and Tourism Offices will have the final say over decisions related to their respective areas, ensuring that all strategies and initiatives are undertaken in the best interests of Sabah, notwithstanding the powers vested in Matrade, Mida, or Tourism Malaysia. 

This structure would enable Sabah to ensure its unique priorities and strengths are consistently represented and effectively promoted, adapting swiftly to any changes in the local or global economic landscape.

Establishing dedicated investment, trade, and tourism offices in key cities of Sabah’s major trading partners, such as China, Japan, and South Korea, as well as in key Malaysian cities like Kuala Lumpur and Penang, is a strategic initiative that could significantly boost the state’s economic growth and presence both internationally and domestically. 

These offices would offer a focused approach to promoting Sabah’s unique opportunities, simplify access to essential information, and foster stronger bilateral and local relationships. 

By taking control of its promotional strategies and narrative, and by having the authority to make decisions in its best interests, notwithstanding the powers of national agencies, Sabah can unlock its full potential and attract sustained interest from international and domestic investors, trade partners, and tourists, positioning itself as a leading destination for investment, trade, and tourism on both the global and national stages.

The views expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Daily Express.

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