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DD2 Board expected to discuss potential merger with DD4 Tuesday morning

DORCHESTER COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — The potential consolidation of Dorchester District 2 and Dorchester District 4 is back in the spotlight and on the agenda for a Tuesday morning DD2 board meeting.

The idea of merging Dorchester District 2 and Dorchester District 4 remained a controversial topic, and last Thursday, community members were invited to discuss the idea during a public meeting held by the Dorchester County delegation.

During the meeting, several community members expressed their concerns, some saying the merger does not have the best interest of students, teachers or the community in mind.

Others are asking district leaders to really give thought to this decision and the impacts it could have.

“This merger is not about education, but future tax revenue. As Summerville runs out of space, the expansion of attendance lines across our communities becomes more attractive for development, and we should not be fooled into thinking that DD4 schools will be a priority in that process,” argued one community member.

“I don’t see where the problem is. You have not stated the problem or your rationale for this, and I think the onus is on you to inform us what the problem is and how you are trying to fix it. Consolidation, I don’t think, from what I’ve seen, is the way to go. To me, it looks like a money grab and a power grab leaving DD4 area underfunded and underrepresented,” said another.

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Representative Gary Brewer (R-Charleston and Dorchester Counties) said the idea of consolidation came about from Act 388.

In an interview ahead of last Thursday’s public meeting, Brewer explained the connection between Act 388 and the consolidation of the districts.

“Ever since Act 388 came about where funding was directed to 6% properties, Dorchester County for the longest time, the housing boom has been on the lower end of the county around Summerville,” he said. “The disadvantages for district two were gonna be significant because of the majority of the rooftops were in their area. The majority of the industry would be in the district floor area,” he explained.

Brewer explains that Act 388 has too many benefits to get rid of, and so a consolidation of the districts would be the best way to ensure the funding for schools would be maximized.

“How do we make sure that both of our school districts are maximizing the funding and both of our school districts are gonna be treated equally. We need to consolidate them because Act 388 is not going away no matter if we want it to or not. It’s benefiting too many other areas. So this has kind of been in response to Act 388,” he said.

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Brewer said it could take at least two years to consolidate the two districts, and he says that he has heard from constituents in DD2, and mostly they have been in favor of the consolidation.

News 4 did ask Brewer about if there would be job loss with this merger he said there “would be reduction as far as positions and maybe the creation of new ones”.

News 4 did reach out to DD2 and DD4 for comment on the potential merger, DD2 sent a statement reading,

“The Dorchester School District Two Board of Trustees values open communication and collaboration with our community and legislative leaders. We look forward to attending future public information meetings hosted by Dorchester County legislators to gain a deeper understanding of the draft bill regarding potential district consolidation. As we remain committed to prioritizing the success of our students, staff, and families, we will stay informed and actively engaged in discussions that impact our district’s future.”

DD4 said they do not have a comment at this time.

The DD2 board meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., Tuesday. News 4 will bring updates both on air and online.

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