Pune Media
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The beggar-thy-neighbour test – Oman Observer

With all major trading countries increasingly resorting to unilateral action to advance their own social, economic, environmental, and security goals, the world economy desperately needs a clear normative framework to…

Kudos to Korean literature – The Korea Times

Flowers are laid in front of novelist Han Kang's home on Friday after she was named as the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in literature. YonhapUnsung heroes of Korean literature should also be rememberedKudos to Han Kang, who became the…

Why Indian Banks Fall Short?

In today’s fast-paced world, customer service can make or break a business. The recent experiences of a long-time American Express (Amex) customer starkly highlight the chasm between indian banks and their American counterparts. After a…

Germany and the fuss over the ‘idiot’s apostrophe’

‘Now it’s official,’ the German press lamented, ‘the idiot’s apostrophe is correct.’ The Council for German Orthography, the body that regulates German spelling and grammar, has relaxed the rules on when and how apostrophes can be used…

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